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简介1.求《妖精的尾巴》每集的名称!2.求汉译英23.简短的常用商务英语句子4.呼啸山庄英文佳句5.初中压力大6.写作文时高级词汇作用7.三人同舟英文佳句8.一个员工的真实成本如何计算?29、她因为那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来了。Hing been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weak that she could bare
Hing been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weak that she could barely stand up
Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not he enough time to study
I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one
At first glance the picture didn't look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece
Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there at random
With this letter I enclose some illustrations for the story
The ancient building was enclosed by a high wall
Dr. Green is busy working on a cure for AIDS, but from next month on he'll be able to fit in twenty patients or so on Monday morning
He told a story to illustrate why you should never sign any contract before you he examined its provisions in detail
She was embarrassed when they kept telling her she had a genius for mathematics
God knows when that dumb kid of ours is going to graduate from high school
Henry's latest novel and his daughter's first book were both published three months ago, and to their astonishment, the latter has already sold over a million copies
It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood
The strike resulted in the management's accepting the workers' demands
The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions
I'd like very much to buy the English dictionary. Unfortunately, I hen't got enough money on me
I'd like to talk over with you about the English translation of the article ahead and then send it to Mr. Hobbs
The foreign expert hopes to achieve all his aims in three years
What do you think a scientist must do in order to keep up with the latest developments in his field?
The author thinks that if excellent workers get frequent pay increases and promotions, they will he greater incentive to produce
Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive
He was busy writing the story all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to he some tea.
He is the son of a wealthy family, but he seems to he come down in the world
He often took advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her
Prof. Wang, would you do us a for by coming to our English evening this Saturday?
He does not seem to be an old man in his eighties, considering his earance
Undouedly they do not he the intention of making an engineer of him, and I suspect they never will
I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case
ICE SENSE商标总申请量1件
经八戒知识产权统计,ICE SENSE还可以注册以下商标分类:
1 妖精的尾巴
2 火龙,猴子和牛
3 潜入吧!俄坝卢府邸!
4 献给亲爱的卡比
5 盔甲魔导士
6 妖精们飘舞风中
7 火和风
8 最强小队
9 纳兹 吃掉村庄
10 纳兹VS艾露莎
迦尔纳岛篇 (格雷专篇)
11 被诅咒的岛
12 月之滴
13 纳兹VS波动的悠卡
14 随你的便吧
15 永远的魔法
16 迦尔纳岛 最终决战
17 爆炸
18 传达至那个天空
19 Changeling
20 纳兹和龙之蛋(番外篇)
VS幽鬼支配者篇 (露西专篇)
21 幽鬼的支配者
22 露西· 哈特菲利亚
23 15分钟
24 为了不看到那些眼泪
25 雨中绽放的花
26 炎之翼
27 两个灭龙魔导士
28 妖精法律
29 我的决心
30 下一代
星灵狮子座篇 (洛基专篇)
31 回不了天空的星星
32 星灵王
33 乐园之塔
34 杰拉尔
35 黑暗之声
36 乐园游戏
37 心之铠甲
38 命运
39 向圣光祈祷
40 妖精女王 散落
妖尾公会内战篇 (拉克萨斯专篇)
41 家
42 妖精尾巴之战
43 为了朋友攻击朋友
44 神鸣殿
45 撒旦降临
46 碰撞!卡鲁迪亚大教堂
47 三条龙
48 幻想曲
VS六魔将军篇 (温蒂专篇)
49 命中注定相遇之日(番外篇)
50 特别委托 注意喜欢的他(番外篇)
51 Love&Lucky
52 联合军 集结
53 六魔将军 现身
54 天空的巫女
55 少女与亡灵
56 死亡GP
57 暗黑
58 星灵合战
59 杰拉尔的回忆
60 迈向毁灭
61 超空中战!纳兹VS眼镜蛇
62 圣十的鸠拉
63 正因为是你的话语
64 零
65 天马致妖精们
66 信念之力
67 有我陪伴
68 只为一人存在的公会
TV原创篇(无) 无 达芙奈篇(原创篇)
69 龙的诱惑
70 纳兹VS格雷
71 踏过同伴的尸体
72 妖精尾巴的魔导士
73 彩虹之樱(番外篇)
74 温蒂 首个大任务
75 24小时的耐久公里赛
76 基尔达斯
77 阿斯兰特
78 艾德拉斯
79 妖精
80 希望的钥匙
81 火球
82 欢迎回家
83 艾克斯塔利亚
84 飞翔吧!去朋友的身边
85 行动代号ETD
86 艾露莎VS艾露莎
87 不惜性命!
88 星之大河,因荣誉而存在!
89 终结龙锁炮
90 那时候的少年
91 Dragon Sense
92 活着的同伴们啊
93 我就站在这里
94 拜拜,艾德拉斯
95 丽莎娜
96 生命毁灭者
98 运气好的人是谁?
99 纳兹VS基尔达斯
100 梅斯特
101 黑魔导士
102 铁之魂
103 进击的马卡洛夫
104 失落的魔法
105 火龙VS炎神
106 大魔法世界
107 具现之弧
108 人类门扉
109 露西火焰
110 绝望的死胡同
111 爱和活力的眼泪
112 没能说出的一句话
113 天狼树
114 艾露莎VS阿兹玛
115 冻结的斗志
116 生命的力量
117 雷鸣响彻
118 没有镌刻纹章的男人
119 深渊的领域
120 破晓的天狼岛
121 爱的资格
122 牵起手来
123 X791,妖精尾巴
124 空白的7年
125 魔法舞会
126 真正的恶棍扭屁股团
127 透明露西的恐怖
128 父亲的遗物
129 怒涛对决!纳兹VS拉库萨斯
130 被盯上的露西
131 来势汹汹的军团
132 星空之匙
133 开始旅程的同伴们
134 迷宫幻想曲
135 神话的足迹
136 真正的恶棍 再次登场
137 超出计算的部分
138 圣战的发展
29. 她因为那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。
She is too weak to stand on her feet because she had been operated on twice for that illness.
30. 教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。
Educationists concluded that the generation that had grown up with television is hing insufficient time for study because too much of their time had been spent in front of TV.
31. 我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法(solution)来。
I truly hope that you can come up with a better solution.
32. 乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作(masterpiece).
This painting is not that good at first glance, but after meticulous observation, we discover it is truly a masterpiece.
33. 简从书架上拿了一本杂志,开始东一页西一页地随便翻阅。
Jane picks up a magazine from the bookshelf and starts to leaf through casually.
34. 我随信附上这篇故事的几张插图。
35. 那幢古老的建筑物四周有一圈高墙。
That ancient building is bounded by a circle of high wall.
36. 格林大夫忙着研制一种治艾滋病(AIDS)的药物,但从下月起他就能安排时间在星期一上午看二十个左右的病人了。
Dr. Glen is busy researching a drug to treat AIDS; however, he can arrange to attend to about 20 patients on Monday morning.
37. 他讲了个故事来说明为什么在详细查看其条款(provisions)之前决不要在任何合同上签字。
He cites an example to illustrate why never to sign any contract before checking its provisions carefully.
38. 他们老是对她说她有数学天才,她感到很不好意思。
She feels embarrassed to their persistent saying that she’s a mathematical talent.
39. 天知道我们那个傻小子什么时候能中学毕业。
God knows when our silly boy can finish high school.
40. 亨利的最近一部和他女儿的第一本书都于三个月前出版,令他们惊讶的是,后者已经售出一百多万册。
Both Henry’s latest novel and his daughter’s debut book had been published 3 months ago; what amazes them is that the latter has already sold in exceed of one million copies.
41. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。(hold up)
According to reports, the construction of that railway had been held up due to floods.
42. 罢工结束,资方接受了工人的要求。
The strike has stopped, the management has accepted the workers' demands.
43. 煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。
The coal mine workers he decided to go on strike for better working conditions.
44. 我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。
I really want to buy this English dictionary, too bad I don’t bring enough money.
45. 我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。
I wish to discuss this English translated article with you first, before I send it to Mr.Hobbes.
46. 那位外国专家希望在三年内达到所有的目标。
That foreign expert hopes to achieve all the objectives within three years.
47. 一个科学家要跟上本领域的新发展,你认为必须做些什么?
What do you think a scientist must do to keep up with the developments in his field.
48. 作者认为,如果优秀工人经常得到加薪和提拔,他们就会有更大的生产积极性。
The writer maintains that if regular salary raises and promotions are accorded to the outstanding workers, their enthusiasm to produce will be greatly enhanced.
49. 萨姆买不起他极想要的那种相机,因为那相机太贵了。
Sam cannot afford that expensive camera that he cres for.
50. 整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。
He had been busy writing that story all morning, only occasionally stopping to he a tea.
51. 他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。
He was born in a rich family, but it looks like the family has gone downhill.
52. 他经常利用她缺乏生意头脑(business sense)而欺骗她。
He often takes advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her.
53. 王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?
Professor Wang, may we he the honor of hing you as a guest of our English party on Saturday?
54. 看外表他一带你也不像是个八十多岁的老人。
In earance, he does not look like an old man in his 80’s.
55. 他们肯定没打算把他培养成一名工程师,我猜想他们永远也不会这样做。
Definitely they are not going to train him to become an engineer; I guess they would never do so.
56. 我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。经过一走的观察,我发现情况果真如此。
I suspected that there’s no quality control in this factory, my suspicion was confirmed after one week’s observation.
1.Owing to its superior quality and reasonable price, our silk has met with a warm reception and quick sale in most European countries 我们的丝绸质量优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家的欢迎,非常畅销。
2.We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price 我们认为我们的产品在亚洲是最好的,在价格上完全可以与日本竞争。
3.Our goods are greatly reciated in other markets similar to your own 我们的产品在其它市场同在贵方市场一样受到欢迎。
4.By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas 我们的产品因其优秀的质量,在很多地区经常脱销。
5.Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market 我们的产品质量优秀,价格适中,在贵方市场上一定很畅销。
6.These items are most salable in our market 在我方市场上,这些产品是最畅销的。
7.There has been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy 在我们的市场上,这种玩具的需求一直很稳定。
8.We he the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the samples you sent 我们很高兴地向你们推荐类同于贵方所提供之样品的样品。
9.Our strip scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, boxes to a wooden case我们的旅行剪刀是用林箱包装的,每个木箱装盒,每盒一打。
10.In view of our good cooperation over the past few years, we are prepared to accept your price鉴于我们过去几年来的友好合作,我们准备接受你们的报价。
11.The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about pounds货物是用坚固的新麻袋包装的,每袋约重磅。
12.Cartons are not likely to be mixed with wooden cases while in transport or storage, so that the rate of breakage is lower than that of wooden cases在运输或储存时,纸箱不会和木箱混在一起,所以纸箱的破损率要低于木箱的破损率。
13.We he made a number of improvements in packaging and presentation Please set your mind at ease我们在包装装潢上做了许多改进,敬请放心。
14.The cigars are packed pieces to a small packet, packets to a carton, cartons to a cardboard container雪茄烟每包支,每个纸盒包,每个纸板箱装个纸盒。
15.What do you think of humor in business presentation?你怎么看商务演讲中的幽默?
16.Laughter is necessary in work Corporate humor helps to make your workload light and boosts your energy level And if you he a sense of humor, it helps to enhance atmosphere at the presentation and the audience will become more friendly and engaging幽默在工作中是很必要的。工作中的幽默能帮助减轻你的工作负担,提高能量水平。而且如果你有幽默感,这可以你活跃演讲的气氛,观众也变得更友好和有魅力。
17.Now let me make a brief introduction of my company 下面我简单介绍一下我公司的基本情况。
18.Our company specializes in the production of telecommunication facilities我们公司主要生产电信设备。
19.We he had much experience in handling textiles 我们具有丰富的经营纺织品的经验。
20.Thank you for your inquiry Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?谢谢你询价。为了便于我方提出报价,能否请你谈谈你方需求数量?
21.Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC We met several years ago 你还记得我吗?Benjamin Liu在PVC市场部。我们几年前见过。
22.We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。
23.Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品
24.What about the price?对价格有何看法?
25.What about hing a look at sample first?先看一看产品吧?
26.We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。
27.It sees there is nothing more I can do but accept this price看来我也只好接受这个价格了。
28.Business it quite possible if each side makes some concessions如果双方都作一些步让,生意是完全可以成交的。
29.We are pleased to grand you a % discount from the original offer since you agree to increase the order既然你们同意增加订购数量,我们也很高兴给予你们原报价的%的折扣。
30.As a special accommodation, we agree to your D/P payment terms, but only for once作为通融,我方同意你方用付款交单方式,但仅此一次。
31.Nice to meet you I?ve heard a lot about you 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。
32.Excuse me I?ll be right back 对不起,我马上回来
33.These cartons are well protected against moisture by plastic lining这些纸盒内有塑料衬里,防潮性能很好。
34.Reliability is our strong point可靠性正是我们产品的优点。
35.We plan to use cardboard or plastic cartons for the outer packing我们打算利用纸板箱或塑料箱作为外包装。
36.Cartons are less expensive, lighter to carry and cost lower freight纸盒没有那么贵,便于运输,运费也低。
37.They se shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods它们节省了货运时间,便于货物的储存和分配。
38.Our containers are in complete conformity to the specification laid down by the International Standardization Organization我方集装箱的规格完全符合国际标准化组织规定的标准。
39.As a gesture of friendship, we accept the price of $, for pairs of leather shoes为了表示友谊,我们接受双皮鞋为美元的价格。
40.Since it is the case, we would exceptionally comply with your request by reducing our price to $ per piece既然是这样的情况,我们愿意破例答应你方要求,将价格每个降至美元。
41.As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month作为我方代理,你方应该经常寄来市场报告,至少每个季度一份。
42.We hoped that you will strictly observe all the terms and condition of the agency agreement希望你方能严格遵守代理协议中的所有条款。
43.During the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreign products of the same line and competitive types在代理协议有效期间,贵方不得经营任何其它同类和具有竞争性的国外产品。
44.To be our sole agent you should not sell similar products from other manufacturers without our prior roval事先未经过我方同意,作为我方的独家代理商是不能同时经销其它厂商的同类产品的。
45.During the agency please pay close attention to the consumer?s comments on our products在代理过程中,请密切注意消费者对我方产品的意见。
46.We believe that your clients will find the improved packing satisfactory and your fears unwarranted我方相信你们的客户会对改进过的包装满意的,你们的担心是多余的。
47.They se shipping space and facilitate the storage and distribution of the goods它们节省了货运时间,便于货物的储存和分配。
48.We refer carton packing to wooden case packing我们更货向用纸盒包装,而不是用木箱包装。
49.I he come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。
50.You're going out of your way for us,I believe我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。
1. 英文佳句
英文佳句 1.英文好句摘抄,名人名言或优美句子
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.------爱不是彼此凝视,而是一起注视着同一个方向。
Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something, the so-called turning-around is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night.------只有很少的人才懂得,人生是因为缺憾而美丽,而所谓的回头,只不过是丢掉了白天的太阳的之后,又错过了夜晚的星星。All that I ge was likely to consider as negligible.------我所有的付出竟然从未打动你。
Man always remember love because of romance over.------男人只因浪漫而记得爱情。(注:Marlboro万宝路) Warmness is luxury-which is reflected by deep cold and hurt.------温暖是奢侈的东西,奢侈到需要用很深的寒冷和疼痛才能体现。
True love doesn't he a hy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go is one way of saying I love you------真正的爱情不会有一个美好的结尾,因为真爱永远不会谢幕,放手也是我爱你的一种方式。 If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one. ------如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人。
hiness is not about being immortal nor hing food or rights in one's hand it's about hing each tiny wish come true, or hing something to eat when you are hungry or hing someone's love when you need love 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。
当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。i don't think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything conversely, i think it's a selecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's the least and then be a simple man 我不觉得人的心智成熟是越来越宽容涵盖,什么都可以接受。
i know someone in the world is waiting for me, although i've no idea of who he is but i feel hy every day for this 我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。
if you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. pitifully, most of people are bearing hey burdens when they are in love. 举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。
in your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。
love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow when the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere friend is who can give you strength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。
one may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. when you finally get your own hiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love. 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。
I am a boy.I like to play basketball.I often go shopping with my girlfriend.I want to be a doctor in th furture.She will break up with him.She usually does some exercises in the morning.She loves her parents very much.He doesn't need to apologize.He is used to swimming in the evening,He is angry with his classmates.。
1. Time flies.时光易逝。
2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。 3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。
4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。 5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。
6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。 7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。
8. No one can call back yesterday;Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。 9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。
10.One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。 11.The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。
12.Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。 13.Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。
14.Hiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。 15.Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。
16.The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。 17.Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today. 今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。
18.He you somewhat to do tomorrow,do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。 19.To him that does everything in its proper time,one day is worth three. 事事及时做,一日胜三日。
20.To se time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。 21.Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。
22.Take time when time cometh,lest time steal away.时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。 23.When an opportunity is neglected,it never comes back to you. 机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。
24.Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太阳好。 25.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。
26.Work today,for you know not how much you may be hindered tomrrow. 今朝有事今朝做,明朝可能阻碍多。 27.Punctuality is the soul of business.守时为立业之要素。
28.Procrastination is the thief of time.因循拖延是时间的大敌;拖延就是浪费时间。 29.Every tide hath ist ebb.潮涨必有潮落时。
30.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。 31.Wisdom is more to be envied than riches.知识可羡,胜于财富。
32.Wisdom is better than gold or silver.知识胜过金银, 33.Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.胸中有知识,胜于手中有钱。 34.Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.为了求知识,代价虽高也值得。
35.Dou is the key of knowledge.怀疑是知识之钥。 36.If you want knowledge,you must toil for it.若要求知识,须从勤苦得。
37.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。 38.A handful of common sense is worth a bushel of learning. 少量的常识,当得大量的学问。
39.Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.知识只能循序渐进,不能跃进。 40.Learn wisdom by the follies of others.从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。
41.It is good to learn at another man's cost.前车可鉴。 42.Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. 知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。
43.Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的教师。 44.Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。
45.Dexterity comes by experience.熟练来自经验。 46.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
47.Experience keeps a dear school,but fools learn in no other. 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。 48.Experience without learning is better than learning without experience. 有经验而无学问,胜于有学问而无经验。
49.Wit once bought is worth twice taught. 由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。 50.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。
51.Business is the salt of life.事业是生命之盐。 52.Business before pleasure.事业在先,享乐在后。
53.Business makes a man as well as tries him.事业可以考验人,也可以造就人。 54.Business neglected is business lost.忽视职业便是放弃职业。
55.Never think yourself above business. 勿自视过高;不要眼高手低;永远不要认为自己是大才小用。 56.Business may be troublesome,but idleness is pernicious.事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。
57.He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business. 自命大才小用,往往眼高手低。 58.Do business,but be not a sle to it.要做事,但不要做事务的奴隶。
59.Everybody's business is nobody's business.众人的事就是无人过问的事。 60.Work makes the workman.勤工出巧匠。
61.Better master one than engage with ten.会十事,不如精一事。 62.A work ill done must be twice done.首次做不好,必须重新搞。
63.They who cannot do as they would,must do as they can. 不能如愿而行,也须尽力而为。 64.If you would he a thing well done,do it yourself. 想把事情来做好,就得亲自动手搞。
65.He that doth most at once doth least. 什么都想一次做完,结果一件也做不完;贪多嚼不烂。 66.Do as most men do and men will 。
1.we two who and who? 咱俩谁跟谁阿 2.how are you how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你? 3.you don't bird me,I don't bird you 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 4.you he seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers !together up ! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上! 5.hello everybody!if you he something to say,then say!if you he nothing to say,go home! 有事起奏,无事退朝 6.you me you me 彼此彼此 7.You Give Me Stop! 你给我站住! 8.know is know noknow is noknow 知之为知之,不知为不知… 9.WATCH SISTER 表妹 10.dragon born dragon,chicken born chicken,mouse''son can make hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞! 11.American Chinese not enough 美中不足 12.one car come one car go ,two car pengpeng,people die 现场描述 13.heart flower angry open 心花怒放 14.go past no mistake past 走过路过,不要错过 15.小明:I am sorry! 老外:I am sorry too! 小明:I am sorry three! 老外:What are you sorry for? 小明:I am sorry five! 16.If you want money,I he no; if you want life,I he one! 要钱没有,要命一条 17.I call Li old big.toyear 25. 我叫李老大,今年25. 18.you he two down son. 你有两下子. 19.as far as you go to die 有多远,死多远! 20.I give you face you don't wanna face,you lose you face ,I turn my face 给你脸你不要脸,你丢脸,我翻脸 21.no three no four (不三不四) 22.people mountain people sea.(人山人海) 23.Power line (电源线) 24.morning three night four (朝三暮四) 25.Want money no,Want life one!(要钱不给,要命有一条!) 26.money or life?(要钱还是要命?) 27.wang eight eggs 28.ten three point 十三点 29.no care three seven two ten one 不管三七二十一 30.Play a big knife before GuanGong (关公面前耍大刀) 31.Play an ax before LuBan (班门弄斧) 32.We are brothers,who and who ah!(咱们兄弟谁跟谁啊!) 33.You ask me,I ask who (你问我,我去问谁?) 补充: People mountain and people sea. 人山人海 seven up eight down 七上八下 一说:give you some colours to see see!(给你点颜色看看) 一答:you try try see!(你试试看!) 雇主 :how much do you want a month?(你想要多少月薪?) 保姆:800 yuan,eat you,sleep you (八百元,包食宿)。
1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy
2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard
3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology
4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges
5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that…
6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development
7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention
8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…
9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate
10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue
11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument
12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others…
13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally,
14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…
15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons
16.双方的论点 arguments on both sides
17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…
18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to …
19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes:
20.…也不例外 …be no exception
21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…
22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in
24.复杂的社会现象 a complicated social phenomenon
25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement
26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of competition and cooperation
27. 开阔眼界 widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision
28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills
29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden
30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration
31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective
32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts
33. 对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to…
34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society
35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for…
36.综合素质 comprehensive quality
37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach
39.致力于/ 投身于 be committed / devoted to…
40. 应当承认 Admittedly,
41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty
42. 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of…
43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information
44.宝贵的自然 valuable natural resources
45.因特网 the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)
46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient
47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life
48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly
49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress
50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology
51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue
52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in for of the former/ latter opinion
53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 he/ provide the following reasons/ evidence
54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way
55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice
56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…
57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition
58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest
59.长远利益. interest in the long run
60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages
61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s forable conditions and oid unforable ones
62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs.
63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to
64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information
65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with
the latest development of …
66.取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.
67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of …
68.有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides.
No garden without weeds.
69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person.
70.重视 attach great importance to…
71.社会地位 social status
72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…
73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge
74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally
75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to…
76. 提出折中提议 set forth a compromise proposal
77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that
78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden
79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.
80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with
81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.
82.代替 replace/ substitute / take the place of
83.经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water
84.提供就业机会 offer job opportunities
85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social progress
86.毫无疑问 Undouedly, / There is no dou that…
87.增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding
88.充分利用 make full use of / take advantage of
89.承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heier work pressure
90.保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society
91.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…
92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society
93.实现梦想 realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true
94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:
95. 首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with
96.其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place
. 再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore
98. 最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,
99. 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,
100.我们还有很长的路要走 We still he a long way to go.
1. 如何在写作中合理地使用“高级”词汇
1.“这任务对我而言很难。”This 15 a diffieult task for me.如果将句中的diffieult改用Challenging一词,写出的句子效果可能更好。
2. 高中生英语作文怎样用高级词汇您好!很高兴为您解答!
比如说,要写喜迎一个节日,你可以用很直接的翻译,hily greet 、但你也可以用一个单词,celebrate。这样写不是很直接的翻译,但是地道的多,自然就能显示你的英语功底啦。
By the way ,给楼主一点小小的建议,高中作文,首先要求的是语法和拼写的正确,错误一个是要扣一分的。其次,您可以使用一些很确定会对的从句来让文章显得不那么平淡。这个很简单,平时多背几句就可以了。第三呢,就是使用一些高级词汇啦~ 我也是高中的学生,这全是我总结出来的经验,与君共勉啦 ^-^
3. 高中英语作文高级词汇和短语总结要想得高分,要尽可能时候比较高级的词汇和比较复杂的语法结构。
具体得根据你写的文章的内容而定。但避免使用重复的句式,最典型的就是there be句型一用到底,老师特烦。
说几个通用的吧!过渡词:表示并列或递进的过渡词:also,and,and then,too,in addition,furthermore,moreover,first,second,third,ect.表示时间顺序的过渡词:now,then,before,after,afterwards,ealier,later,soon,next,gradullay,finally,etc.表示空间顺序的过渡词:near(to),far(from),in front of, behind,beside,soon,above,blew,to the right/left,around,outside,ect.表示结果和原因的过渡词:because,since,so,as a result,for this reason,therefore,then,thus,otherwise,ect.表示目的的过渡词:for this purpose,so that,ect.表示解释说明的过渡词:in fact,in this case,for example,for instance,ect.表示总结的过渡词:finally,at last,in conclusion,as I he shown,in other words, in brief, in short, in general, on the whole,in a/one word,ect.常用短语:a series of一系列,一连串 above all首先,尤其是 after all毕竟,究竟 ahead of在。之前 ahead of time提前 all at once突然,同时 all but几乎;除了。
都 all of a sudden突然 all over遍及 all over again再一次,重新 all the time一直,始终 all the same仍然,照样的 as regards关于,至于 anything but根本不 as a matter of fact实际上 apart from除。外(有/无) as a rule通常,照例 as a result(of)因此,由于 as far as 。
be concerned就。而言 as far as远至,到。
程度 as for至于,关于 as follows如下 as if好像,仿佛 as good as和。几乎一样 as usual像平常一样,照例 as to至于,关于 all right令人满意的;可以 as well同样,也,还 as well as除。
外(也),即。又 aside from除。
外(还有) at a loss茫然,不知所措 at a time一次,每次 at all丝毫(不),一点也不 at all costs不惜一切代价 at all events不管怎样,无论如何 at all times随时,总是 at any rate无论如何,至少 at best充其量,至多 at first最初,起先 at first sight乍一看,初看起来 at hand在手边,在附近 at heart内心里,本质上 at home在家,在国内 at intervals不时,每隔。 at large大多数,未被捕获的 at least至少 at last终于 at length最终,终于 at most至多,不超过 at no time从不,决不 by accident偶然 at one time曾经,一度;同时 at present目前,现在 at *** 's disposal任。
处理 at the cost of以。为代价 at the mercy of任凭。
摆布 at the moment此刻,目前 at this rate照此速度 at times有时,间或 back and forth来回地,反复地 back of在。后面 before long不久以后 beside point离题的,不相干的 beyond question毫无疑问 by air通过航空途径 by all means尽一切办法,务必 by and by不久,迟早 by chance偶然,碰巧 by far最,。
得多 by hand用手,用体力 by itself自动地,独自地 by means of用,依靠 by mistake错误地,无意地 by no means决不,并没有 by oneself单独地,独自地 by reson of由于 by the way顺便说说 by virtue of借助,由于 by way of经由,通过。方法 due to由于,因为 each other互相 even if/though即使,虽然 ever so非常,极其 every now and then时而,偶尔 every other每隔一个的 except for除了。
外 face to face面对面地 far from远非,远离 for ever永远f or good永久地 for the better好转 for the moment暂时,目前 for the present暂时,目前 for the sake of为了,为了。的利益 for the time being暂时,眼下 from time to time有时,不时 hand in hand手拉手,密切关联 head on迎面地,正面的 heart and soul全心全意地 how about 。
怎么样 in a hurry匆忙,急于 in case of如,防备 in a moment立刻,一会儿 in a sense从某种意义上说 in a way在某种程度上 in a word简言之,总之 in accordance with与。一致,按照 in addition另外,加之 in addition to除。
之外(还) in advance预先,事先 in all总共,合计 in any case无论如何 in any event无论如何 in brief简单地说 in charge of负责,总管 in mon共用的,共有的 in consequence(of)因此;由于 in de欠债,欠情 in detail详细地 in difficulty处境困难 in effect实际上,事实上 in general一般来说,大体上 in four of支持,赞成 in front of面对,在。前 in half成两半 in hand在进行中,待办理 in honour of为庆祝,为纪念 in itself本质上,就其本身而言 in line with与。
一致 in memory of纪念 in no case决不 in no time立即,马上 in no way决不 in order按顺序,按次序 in other words换句话说 in part部分地 in particular特别,尤其 in person亲自,本人 in place在合适的位置 in place of代替,取代,交换 in practice在实践中,实际上 in proportion to与。成比例 in public公开地,当众 in quantity大量 in question正在谈论的 in regard to关于,至于 in relation to关于,涉及 in return作为报答/回报/交换 in return for作为对。
报答 in short简言之,总之 in sight被见到;在望 in spite of尽管 in step齐步,合拍 in step with与。一致/协调 in tears流着泪,在哭着 in the course of在。
期间/过程中 in the distance在远处 。
4. 求高中英语写作用的高级词汇暑时帮我要上高一的弟弟过了一遍新概念第二册,感觉前面太简单,到后面的文章还是挺难的,有很多生词.\r\n你如果英语基础不是很好的话,就从第二册后面看起,我的学生有一些在高中就是看二的.\r\n如果基础不错,就背3.第三册是很值得背的.\r\n如果你想在短时间内提高写作,倒不如背些作文的范文.高考题中的作文,老师上课时给的些范文,李阳英语好像里头也有英语作文.\r\n我们班有些学生是这么做的,高考考了130多分.\r\n\r\n高级句子就是用高级词汇和一些好的句型,你现在高三了想通过新概念在短期内提高感觉不是很好的方法.自己试着多写写,让老师帮忙改改.用些非谓语和介词短语,多写长句.要是实在写不出,还是背些范文吧。
5. 高中英语作文,高级词汇一、关于英语高考写作,针对目前我国英语高考写作的现状,笔者收集了一些有关提高 英语写作分数的词组,期望对您有所帮助 1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/ 稳步增长the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 It is monly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/ 争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10. 有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人 …而另外一些人 … Some people… while others… 13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言 As far as I am concerned, / Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 argument on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to … 19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外 …be no exception 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on… 22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far oueigh the disadvantages。
23.导致,引起 lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in 24.复杂的社会现象 a plicated social phenomenon 25.责任感 / 成就感 sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement 26. 竞争与合作精神 sense of petition and cooperation 27. 开阔眼界 widen one's horizon/ broaden one's vision 28.学习知识和技能 acquire knowledge and skills 29.经济/心理负担 financial burden / psychological burden 30.考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration 31. 从另一个角度 from another perspective 32.做出共同努力 make joint efforts 33. 对…有益 be beneficial / conducive to… 34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society 35.打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for… 36.综合素质 prehensive quality 37.无可非议 blameless / beyond reproach 39.致力于/ 投身于 be mitted / devoted to… 40. 应当承认 Admittedly, 41.不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty 42. 满足需求 satisfy/ meet the needs of… 43.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information 44.宝贵的自然 valuable natural resources 45.因特网 the Inter (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写) 46.方便快捷 convenient and efficient 47.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life 48.环保(的) environmental protection / environmentally friendly 49.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress 50.科技的飞速更新 the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology 51.对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue 52.支持前/后种观点的人 people / those in fovor of the former/ latteropinion 53.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 he/ provide the following reasons/ evidence 54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way 55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice 56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of… 57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social petition 58.眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest 59.长远利益. interest in the long run 60.…有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages 61.扬长避短 Exploit to the full one's forable conditions and oid unforable ones 62.取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。 63.对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to 64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information 65.跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of … 66.取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth 67.…的健康发展 the healthy development of … 68.有利有弊 Every coin has its o sides。
No garden without weeds。 69.对…观点因人而异 Views on …vary from person to person。
70.重视 attach great importance to… 71.社会地位 social status 72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on… 73.扩大知识面 expand one's scope of knowledge 74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally 75.有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to… 76. 提出折中提议 set forth a promise proposal 77. 可以取代 “think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that 78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden 79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth。 80.与…比较 pared with…/ in parison with 81. 相反 in 。
6. 作文里常见的高端词汇有哪些●表示比较和对照关系的句型:1) A is to B what/ as C is to D(A之于B犹如C之于D).2) Just as。
, so。3) A and B he sth in mon.4) A is similar to B.5) The same is true of,The same can be said of(……也是如此).6) The advantages of A are much greater than B.7) pared with B, A has many advantages.8) The advantages oueigh the disadvantages(利大于弊).9) Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too.10) Although A enjoys considerable advantage over。
, it can not pete with B in。11) Contrary to widely accepted views, I believe that。
12) What people fail to consider is that。13) It is one thing to insist that。
, it is quite another to show that。14) Nothing can rival…(……是无与伦比的).15) …has drawbacks as well as merits.16) A is superior(inferior) to B.17) 。
varies from person to person(……是因人而异的)18) A is just the opposite (to B) 19) A differs from B in that…(A不同于B在于……)20) …is not the same (as) ●过渡性句型: 1) this is true that。2) This is true, no dou, but。
3) 。also。
4) It is one thing to。; it is another to。
●描写图表和数据的句型1) .. . rank first (both) in。2) .. .in proportion to。
3) A is by far the largest。4) As many as.5) The number is 。
times as much as that of 。6) The figure has nearly doubled/tripled, as against that of last year.7) It accounts for 35% of。
8) By parison with 。, it decreased/increased/fell from。
to。9) 。
rise rapidly(slowly)10) 。remain level。
11) 。reach 。
12)There is a slight/slow/steady/rapid rise/increase demand./ine./population./prices./production./decrease/decline/reduction/fall/drop in13) be on the increase/decrease/rise/decline (……在不断的增加,减少,上升,下降) ●图表作文中的过渡、概括句型:1) As can be indicated in the table, 。 2) As we could find out later, 。
3) As is revealed in the table,。4) As the survey results show,。
5) This table provides several important points of parison beeen,。6) The o graphs depict the same thing in 。
7) The key findings taken from the surveys are as follows:8) According to the figures given in the table, 。9) This chart shows that 。
10) As is shown by the graph, 。11) It can be seen from the statistics that 。
12) It is generally believed /accepted/thought/held 。●说明原因的句型:1) There are some/o/many good reasons for。
/to do。2) We he o good reasons for。
3) The reason for 。 is that + 从句4) Among the most convincing reasons given by people for。
, one should be mentioned。5) One may think of the trend as a result of。
6) The change in。 largely results from the fact that。
7) There are several causes for this significant growth in。 First。
8) A number of factors could account for the . 9) It is no simple task to give the reason for 。10) The cause of /reason for higher prices was an increase in demand.11) Because/As/Now that/Since the demand has increased, the prices are higher.12) An increase in demand causes/results in/leads to/produces higher prices.13) The demand has increased. 14) Therefore,/As a result,/For this reason,/Because of this,/Consequently, the prices are higher.15) If there is an increase in demand, then prices rise./go up. /boost./are higher.16) Different people look at。
in different ways。●表示不同看法的句型:1) Different people he/hold different opinions/views on the question/problem/matter. Some believe that 。
; Others argue that 。 :Still others maintain that 。
2) They are quite different from each other in their opinions.3) Some people hold the opinion that it is good to .4) They think quite differently on this question.5) Opinions vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture.●表示必须,紧急,有困难做某事的句型:1) It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, convenient, fortable, expensive, desirable, advisable) for *** . to do sth.2) 。he trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事) ●用于文章开头的句型:1) Faced with。
; quite a few people argue that。; But other people conceive differently.2) There is a general discussion today about the issue of.; Those who object to。
argue that 。;They believe that。
; But people who for 。, on the other hand, argue that 。
3) Currently there is a widespread concern that。4) Now people in growing number are ing to realize that。
5) Now it is monly held that 。; they think 。
; But I dou whether。6) Recently the issue of。
has been brought to public attention.7) One of the great men once said that。 Now more and more people share this belief.8) Until recently, 。
has been regarded as. But people are taking a fresh look at it.9) Sb. argues/maintains /holds/insists/believes that。10) More and more people are realizing /he e to realize。
11) 。
1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。
6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。
8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。9. An le a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。
10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。
14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食为天。)
15. Business is business. 公事公办。16. Clumsy birds he to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。
17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。18. Custom makes all things easy. 习惯成自然。
19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止境。20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。
21. Do not change horses in mid-stream. 别在河流中间换马。22. Do not he too many irons in the fire. 贪多嚼不烂。
23. Do not pull all your eggs in one basket. 别把所有的蛋都放在一个篮子里。(不要孤注一掷。)
24. Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。25. East or west, home is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。
26. Experience is the best teacher. 实践出真知。27. Fact is stranger than fiction. 事实比虚构更离奇。
(大千世界,无奇不有。)28. Faith can move mountains. 信念能移山。
(精诚所至,金石为开。)29. First impressions are half the battle. 先入为主。
30. Give as good as one gets. 一报还一报。(以德报德,以怨还怨。)
31. Give everyone his due. 一视同仁。32. Good wine needs no bush. 酒香不怕巷子深。
33. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。(忙中常出错。)
34. He that promises too much means nothing. 轻诺者寡信。35. He who has an art has everywhere a part. 一招鲜,吃遍天。
36. He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 千里之行始于足下。37. Home is where the heart is. 心在哪里,哪里就是家。
38. If you are not inside a house, you don not know about its leaking. 不在屋里,不知漏雨。(亲身经历才有体会。)
39. In peace prepare for war. 平时准备战时。(居安思危。)
40. It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。41. It six of one and half a dozen of the other. 彼此彼此。
42. Just has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。43. Keep something for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪。
44. Life is a span. 人生如朝露。45. Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。
46. Meet plot with plot. 将计就计。47. Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散。
48. Mind acts upon mind. 心有灵犀一点通。49. Never hit a man when he is down. 不要落井下石。
50. Never judge by earances. 切莫以貌取人。51. No fire without smoke. 无风不起浪。
52. Nurture passes nature. 教养胜过天性。53. One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。
54. One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。(一花独放不是春。)
55. One who has seen the ocean thinks nothing of mere rivers. 曾经沧海难为水。56. Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。
57. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。58. Poverty is stranger to industry. 勤劳之人不受穷。
59. Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一日建成的。(伟业非一日之功。)
60. Sense comes with age. 老马识途。61. So many men, so many minds. 人心各不同。
62. Some thing is learned every time a book is opened. 开卷有益。63. Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。
64. The car will find its way round the hill when it gets there. 车到山前必有路。65. The heart is seen in wine. 酒后吐真言。
66. The older the wiser. 人老智多。(姜还是老的辣。)
67. The worse luck now, the better another time. 风水轮流转。68. Thoughts are free from toll. 思想不用交税。
(都可以自由思考。)69. Time tries all things. 时间检验一切。
70. Use legs and he legs. 经常用腿,健步如飞。71. Virtue never grows old. 美德常青。
72. Walls he ears. 隔墙有耳。73. What is done cannot be undone. 覆水难收。
74. Wine in, truth out. 酒后吐真言。75. You are only young once. 青春只有一次。
76. You cannot burn the candle at both ends. 蜡烛不可两头燃。(鱼和熊掌不可兼得。)
77. You cannot he your cake and eat it. 有得就有失。(事难两全其美。)
78. You never know till you he tried. 事非经过不知难。79. Youth will be served. 青春好作乐。
80. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. 无知的狂热是脱缰的野马。
2.写一段3人英语对话,一人5句左右a wow,what a fantistic movie the harry potter 1 is!i can't wait flying like horry potter!b yeah,it is relly cool,especially when he went to the school,i think it was the best school in the world ,which we can learn a lot of interesting magic!c i agree with you guys!it is really cool,but i he some dous.a what's thatc i just think potter shoudn't go to the magic school.b you really shocked me!what's your point.what he learn and get form school is useful.c well,i agree with you,he was born famous and he can meet many his father's old friends there.but it's a really new world for him,he shoud be trained to protact himself before he go to school.a i got it,you are worry about his sety,don't you.well,i think you are right.but it is overmind.b anyhow,he survive all the danger and do better and better.。
Two heads are better than one.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy. One boy is a boy; two boys half boy;three boys no boy.一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮A stake with three fence, a good bre fellow three helpIn unity there is strength. 团结就是力量a friend ndeed is knwn by sharng hardsips. 患难是朋友试金石。A life withut a friend is a life witout a sun. 人若无友,犹如只有生命没有太阳。
A hedge betwen keeps frnship green. 淡交使友谊长青。(君子之交淡如水)A friend indeed is known by sharing hardships. 患难是朋友的试金石。
A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人若无友,犹如只有生命没有太阳。 A hedge between keeps friendship green. 淡交使友谊长青。
(君子之交淡如水) In unity there is strength. 团结就是力量。 United we stand, divided we fall. 合即立,分即垮。
One swallow does not make a summer. 一燕不成夏。—— Terner 泰维纳。
4.含单三人称的英语句子50个,急1.Tony likes jenny.
2.Tonly has not to attend the meeting.
3.He arrives here at 8AM.
4.He reads.
5.He does not he a laptop.
6.He works hard.
7.He enjoys the party.
8.He gets up early.
9.He has a lot of money.
10.He dances well..
一、人称代词he, she, it是第三人称单数。如:
He likes watching TV. 他喜欢看电视。
She has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。
It looks like a cat. 它看起来像只猫。
①Han Mei looks like her mother. 韩梅看起来像她的母亲。
②Beijing is in China. 北京在中国。
③Uncle Wang often makes cakes. 王叔叔经常做蛋糕。
①A horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。
②This book is yours. 这本书是你的。
③That car is red. 那辆小汽车是红色的。
④The cat is Lucy's. 这只猫是露茜的。
四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。如:
①Everyone is here. 大家到齐了。
②There is something wrong with the watch. 这块手表有毛病。
③This is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。
④That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮擦。
①The milk is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。
2The bread is very small. 那面包很小。
②"I" is a letter. "I"是个字母。
5.关于courage的英文好句子,越多越好It takes courage to show them.
Courage knows what not to fear.
I do reciate your courage.
Courage is grace under pressure.
Change what we can with courage.
Courage is not without fear.
If only she had had more courage!
Courage is starting over.
He had courage and righteous heart.
One man with courage is a majority.